Place | Location

Specializing in Teletherapy

  • Having access to the best therapist | coach | teacher no matter where you are
  • In the comfort of your own home
  • When you can't travel to the office
  • Secure communication platform (end to end encryption)
  • Overcoming long distances
  • Saving time on travel


Receptive Language

  • Understanding simple words
  • Comprehending phrases/sentences
  • Processing connected speech
  • Following simple directions
  • Following multi-step directions
  • Understanding what other people say
  • Understanding concepts
  • Locating information
  • Decoding words and stories/texts of increasing length and complexity
  • Reading fluency
  • Storry grammar (characters, settings, plot, main idea, problem, solution, etc..)
  • Comprehending words, sentences, stories/texts of increasing length and complexity
  • Understanding "Wh" and various types of questions
  • Making inferences (including inferential questions)

Expressive Language

  • Imitating sounds
  • Making variety of sounds
  • Repeating words/phrases
  • Saying words spontaneously
  • Combining words
  • Making phrases
  • Speaking in sentences
  • Connected speech
  • Limited vocabulary/lexicon
  • Using gestures
  • Combining gestures with words
  • Expressing their needs and wants appropriately
  • Communicating effectively
  • Using language appropriately
  • Expressing concepts
  • Responding cohesively to various types of questions
  • Making narratives
  • Engaging in dialogue


  • Fluent speech
  • Sound planning
  • Sound production
  • Strength and range of motion for sound production
  • Sound mapping
  • Articulation
  • Phonology
  • Auditory discrimination of sounds and sound features
  • Breath support for sound production


  • Stumbling on sounds, syllables, and words
  • Avoiding certain sounds and words
  • Muscular tension when speaking
  • Difficulty controlling airflow (breathing) when speaking
  • Unnatural pauses during speech accompanied by muscular tension, cessation of airflow, and jerking body movements
  • Struggle to get sounds/words out
  • Fear of speaking situations
  • Feeling out of control and exhausted in relation to speaking situations
  • Avoiding speaking situations
  • Feeling isolated and misunderstood
  • Anexiety related to anticipation of speaking with others
  • Low self esteem related interacting with others
  • Avoiding hobbies and meaningful events in anticipation of experiencing disfluency and people's reactions
  • Speaking too fast
  • Erratic speech rhythm
  • Poor speech syntax (grammar)
  • Speech sounding difficult to understand due to increased rate and scattered syntax


  • Vocal abuse
  • Decreased vocal volume
  • Lack of vocal expression
  • Building breath support for optimal voice
  • Suprasegmentals (peach, stress, loudness etc)


  • Responding to their name
  • Engaging in eye contact
  • Using Language for variety of functions such us commenting, asking for help, expressing protest, and more..
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Social Interraction
  • Communication repair


  • Using objects functionally
  • Playing with toys appropriately
  • Pretend play
  • Role playing
  • Stages of play
  • Playing by yourself
  • Playing with other children
  • Conflict resolution during play
  • Developing autonomy through play
  • Facilitating language through play
  • Improving pragmatics through play
  • Learning interpersonal communication and social interaction through play

We recognize parents, partners, children, and significant others as integral links of successful communication process, and are available for consultations on functional communication and repair strategies, facilitative modalities, carry-over techniques, and address further concerns and questions.

We work with individuals who have siblings, children, parents, partners, and significant others with speech, language, and communication delays to educate and empower them to be better communication partners and address spectrum of communication challenges they may face.

In addition and including to the above mentioned difficulties, children and adults may experience additional communication symptoms characterized by variety of underlying conditions such as hearing impairment, autism spectrum disorders, mental retardation, cognitive delay, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and more. While paying attention to various underlying conditions and their manifestation we also take into consideration combination of factors contributing to individual's physical, cognitive, and social-emotional functioning, cultural background, identity orientation, and lifestyle to help them function as a whole person who is not defined by their challenges, but rather builds on their strengths.


Children, Adolescents, and Adults


Private therapy sessions are individually tailored to client's needs and goals to achieve optimal results, with treatment modalities continuously adopted based on client's age, functioning, interests and life style.


We accept payment in cash and major credit cards are accepted (3% transaction fee is added to all credit card transactions)

Sliding scale fee is available based on availability and exceptional circumstances

We do not participate in health insurance plans.

We provide several ‘out of network’ options

  1. You provide payment in full and we provide you with a service bill for you to submit the claim with your insurance.

  2. You provide a portion of the payment and we will bill your insurance on your behalf.