Place | Location

Specializing in Teletherapy

  • Having access to the best therapist | coach | teacher no matter where you are
  • In the comfort of your own home
  • When you can't travel to the office
  • Secure communication platform (end to end encryption)
  • Overcoming long distances
  • Saving time on travel


Inter-personal Communication

Interpersonal communication is the process of exchange of information, ideas, feelings and meaning between two or more people through verbal and/or non-verbal methods. It often includes face-to-face exchange of messages which may take form of a certain tone of voice, facial expressions, body language and gestures. Interpersonal communication occurs on personal and professional level and maybe formal and informal, where how things are communicated are just as important as what is being said.

  • conflict resolution
  • public speaking
  • social interaction
  • pragmatics
  • play
  • self-advocacy
  • negotiations
  • dealing with uncertainties
  • significant-other support
  • family dynamics
  • children-parents interaction
  • couples' communication
  • life-work balance

Intra-personal Communication

Intra-personal communication takes place within a person and involves self-talk. It is invisible to the outside world as it is communication with one’s self and takes place in person's mind, which involves thoughts, feelings, perspectives and interpretation of things and experiences with assigned meaning. Intra-personal communication in the form of negative self-talk often predetermines person's actions and interactions where someone may engage in self sabotaging behaviors which compromise effective communication with other people.

  • self-advocacy
  • independence
  • maladaptive and compensatory behaviors
  • procrastination
  • dealing with uncertainties
  • self-esteem
  • self-autonomy
  • life-work balance

Feelings and Attitudes

Attitudes are outward expressions, while feelings are internal. Feelings and attitudes belong to person's subjective beliefs, emotional states, states of mind, and behaviors directed towards internal and external factors. Feelings are internal emotional reactions to various things one comes to experience. Attitudes, on the other hand, are directed outwards and take form of actions which are often reflected in person's behavior and interactions with others. Increasing awareness of person's feelings and redefining one's attitudes plays crucial role in one's self image, ability to relate to self and others, and develop intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills to acquire thinking and language habits (both verbal and nonverbal) to serve one's best interests in interacting with self and others.

  • sadness
  • frustration
  • fears
  • lack of achievement
  • everyday stress
  • self-sabotage
  • lack of self-regulation

Yulia is Communication & Behavioral Strategist who works with children and adults across a lifespan. Yulia has the unique ability to see and listen to each of her clients with outermost respect and value for their journey and circumstances and offer carefully designed strategies and insights to help them see their own worth, allowing them to function better in their mind, body, and the surrounding world.


Children, Adolescents, and Adults


Private sessions are individually tailored to client's needs and goals to achieve optimal results, with coaching strategies continuously adopted based on client's age, functioning, interests and life style.


We accept payment in cash and major credit cards are accepted (3% transaction fee is added to all credit card transactions)

Sliding scale fee is available based on availability and exceptional circumstances

We do not participate in health insurance plans.